Glitched in the Backrooms [DEMO]
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- April 13, 2023 by Waxgamer Jace#Full Version, #Tryout, #Beta Release, #New CharacterBoom! The FULL VERSION is out! Well kinda because we only added 1 out of the three characters to come! You can now download the tryout/ beta 1.0 of the FULL VERSION for FREE!!!!! so go and download th... Continue reading
- April 13, 2023 by Waxgamer Jace#FUN =), #New Enemies, #New level, #LeakA BUNCH OF NEW STUFF! 2 New enemies has been added, the Insaneling and the infamous Partygoer . Also the insanelings dont to damage they are just there to bug you around and be annoying but you still... Continue reading